Confidential Application
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
What would be your #1 goal of working with me directly? *
What is your target monthly income over the next 12 months? *
What is your biggest obstacle to growth right now? *
If accepted, how soon can you begin? *
Submit Your Application
Agency Accelerator Application
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
What Is Your Desired Outcome For Being Part Of This Program? *
What excites you about possibly working directly with Jeff Herschy and the Agency Accelerator program? *
What is your primary vertical and offer to that market? *
How do you currently drive traffic to your offers? *
How big is your list of prospects / followers? *
What is your current total monthly gross income? *
What is your target monthly income for your agency in the next 12 months? *
What is your biggest obstacle to growth right now? *
How much capital do you have to invest into building your agency fast? *
Do you have partners involved with making decisions for the business? If yes, please be sure they are also on the call. *
On a scale of 1-10 how important is growing your business right now? *
If accepted as a coaching client, how soon can you begin? *
Submit Your Application